Center for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine

Center for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine

An ICMR collaborating centre of excellence (ICMR-CCoE)

Shubham Upadhyay

Junior Research Fellow

Shubham Upadhyay has obtained M.Sc. degree in Biotechnology from The Oxford College of Science, Bengaluru in 2018. Later he completed a Post-graduate Diploma in Cellular and Molecular Diagnostics under the aegis of Biotechnology Skill Enhancement Programme (BiSEP), Government of Karnataka in 2019. He worked in the Trieen Health Care Pvt. Ltd. for 14 months carrying out molecular cloning and recombinant protein expression experiments (2019-2020). At CSBMM, he is involved in mass spectrometry based metabolomic and proteomic analysis of cancers.
