Center for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine

Center for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine

An ICMR collaborating centre of excellence (ICMR-CCoE)

Workshop participants

Ms. Rajasree Odumpatta is working in School of Bioscience and Technology, VIT University, Vellore. She is currently working on System biology perspective of biomarker identification for Parkinson’s disease and pharmacological stidies.

Mr. Ranjan Kaushal Tirwa is a Senior Research Fellow in Department of Microbiology, School of life sciences, Sikkim University, Gang tok, Sikkim. He is currently working on Digestive enzymes (Alfa- amylase inhibiters).

Mr. Yodha Singh is a research scholar in Department of Botany, Punjab University, Patiala, Punjab. He is currently working on Mechanism of degradation of Chlorpyriofos (Pesticide) by Cyanobacterium Synechocystis species, mainly on enzymes and genes involved in pesticide degradation.