Center for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine

Center for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine

An ICMR collaborating centre of excellence (ICMR-CCoE)

Workshop participants

Mr. T. Karuthadurai is doing Ph.D. in animal genetics breeding from ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Bangalore. He is interested in studying the transcriptomics in Persian bulls sperms. His research interests are proteomics and metabolomics.

Dr. Sajad Ahmed Buch is Ph.D. in oral medicine and radiology. His keen interests lies in oral cancer and pre cancer. He is interested in developing a novel panel of biomarkers in oral cancer for large scale cost effective screening using proteomics based studies.

Dr. Vijaya Shankar Nataraj is a Ph.D. in molecular microbiology from University of Birmingham, U.K. His interests lie in protein crystallization, biochemical and biophysical characterization, target identification and validation.

Dr. Srinivas R. Deshpande is MBBS from KMC Hubli and MD in Biochemistry from KMC Mangalore. He is certified in Diabetes from NovoNordisk Academy, The university of Newcastle, Australia. He is keenly interested in diabetes mellitus, general practise, medical education, proteomics, applications in diagnostics.

Dr. Yadu Nandan Dey is working as a ICMR-PDF at ICMR- National Institute of Traditional Medicine, Belgaum, Karnataka. He is currently working in toxicity and pharmacological studies of traditional medicines.

Dr. Philem Pushparani Devi pursued her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Structural biology from CSIR- National Chemical Loboratory, Pune.